QA and Testing
QA and Testing
Quality Assurance and Testing.
Our team has extensive experience and strong skills in QA and Software Testing. We leverage the latest tech, practices, and standards to help you create high-quality software within the required timeframe.
If you need to improve the development speed, it is very important to have a testing team that can deliver the best and most accurate report of the current quality state of your product. Our dedicated team can expand your testing capacity to help you to determine whether your product quality aligns with your expectation.
Preparing for your success,
based on our key services and solutions
How we works
Our Quality Assurance Services Lifecycle
05 Steps
01. Planning
Project document review and test plan creation
02. Design
Test cases design and automated testing implementation
03. Implementation
Test execution and defects reporting, test cases and scripts updates and test result reporting
04. Stabilization
Verification of fixed bugs and regression Testing
05. Delivery
Acceptance testing, compliance testing, deliverables check and final test results reporting